Cryptopygus dubius

Cryptopygus dubius

Cryptopygus dubius

Cryptopygus dubius ocelli

Cryptopygus dubius ocelli


Cryptopygus dubius Deharveng, 1981

C. dubius has been found to occur in leaf litter in Australia and a few specimens have been found around the field station on Macquarie Island (Greenslade 2006). On Marion Island, C. dubius is often found when sieving through moss or Sagina procumbens material. This species differs slightly from the other Cryptopygus species present on Marion Island by abdomen V and VI to appear not entirely fused, the furca of this species is longer, and the body is more curved. This species shows colour variations from dark blue to pale blue-grey and its eggs are white and laid in large batches.


Cryptopygus dubius Map


Deharveng L (1981) Collemboles des îles subantarctiques de l’océan Indien. Comité National Française des Recherches Antarctiques 48: 33–108.