Aethiopella capensis

Aethiopella capensis (Womersley, 1934)

Two specimens Museum Lund, two specimens Bainskloof, 10 miles east of Wellington, at stony stream, mountain slope, 1.vii.1951, SSAE leg, – Ibidem, under stones on sandy ground, alt 6800 ft, 1.vii. 1951, SSAE leg, loc. 346.    

Aethiopella capensis -habitus


Aethiopella capensis – slide

Womersley H (1934) On some Collembola-Arthropleona from South Africa and Southern Rhodesia. Annals of the South African Museum 30: 441–475.

Paclt J (1959) Collembola. South African Animal Life. Results of the Lund University Expedition in 1950–1951, Vol. VI. Almqvist and Wiksells Boktryckeri AB, Uppsala, 24–78.

Aethiopella capensis – slide 2

Aethiopella capensis – slide 3

Aethiopella capensis – slide 4