Cryptopygus postantennalis Potapov, Janion-Scheepers and Deharveng 2020
Body size 0.8 mm, mostly white, slender, with rare, scattered pigmentation and a distinct black eyespot.
Type material. Holotype and three paratype: South Africa, deposited on two slides at SAMC.
Type locality: Western Cape, Kogelberg Biosphere Reserve; 34.332650S, 18.950900E; 04 Oct. 2011; C. Janion-Scheepers leg.; Afromontane forest, litter/wood, Tullgren-Berlese extraction; RSA11_KOG007.
Other material. South Africa, Western Cape, Haarwegskloof, Swellendam; 34.335968S, 20.325094E; 18 July 2017; O. Cowan leg. Deposited at MSPU.
Potapov, M.B., Janion-Scheepers, C., Deharveng, L. 2020. Taxonomy of the Cryptopygus complex. III. The revision of South African species of Cryptopygus and Isotominella (Collembola, Isotomidae). ZooKeys 945: 99–127. doi:10.3897/zookeys.945.51860