Megalothorax minimus

Megalothorax minimus Willem, 1900

M. minimus is found in a wide variety of habitat types on Marion Island and it is also found on Macquarie Island, Îles Kerguelen and Îles Crozet (Greenslade 2006). Minute in size (< 0.5 mm), this species is usually pale orange in colour, with orange pigmentation and reduced antennae.

Megalothorax minimus


Deharveng L (1981) Collemboles des îles subantarctiques de l’océan Indien. Comité National Française des Recherches Antarctiques 48: 33–108.

Paclt J (1967) On South and Central African Collembola. Journal of the Entomological Society of South Africa 29: 135–47.

Megalothorax minimus